Love With benefits… (My Luck seems to be at its best!!!)

To know what happened in the episode 2 click on

Episode 3:

Keeping her away from my thoughts was becoming difficult now…no matter how hard I tried she kept coming back. The fact of her dating my friend could not hold my feelings towards her grow nor did it stop me from falling in love with her. By now she ruled my mind and my thoughts completely; I was in love with her head over heels.

My luck clicked; the day when their date was to be cancelled when Rafiq got a call from his mother back home. I offered her a friendly dinner out. She agreed. That’s when I got time to spend with her…some time to know the girl I had been admiring since the day I saw her. We became friends.

New Job took her to another place… away from her sister. Her distancing for the job and the place distanced her from Rafiq… That’s what I wanted…

I moved smart…I too took a job in the same BPO where she was appointed and my luck seemed to be at its best, we both were placed on the same floor; this helped me get closer to her. Though neither me nor her ever mentioned Rafiq once all this while, but the guilt of tasking my friends girl always haunted me… unless one day:

“Sam let go out for a coffee?” she came to my seat.

It was an offer I could never deny …but the moment we sat on our table with our share of order my phone rang…it was unknown number… “Hello!”

The voice coming from the other end was of Rafiq “Hey where are you? I heard that you have changed your job?”

“Oh it is you…you changed your number? Yes I got a better offer from a new company so I switched…when did you come back from home?” The guilt of sitting with his girl made me sound polite. After a short talk we hung up, thankfully the topic ‘Priya’ didn’t pop up..

Disconnecting the phone I said…casually “ Rafiq…He is back from home…”

“Oh! When? It’s been over a month I have heard from him.” Her casual reply forced out the question which I had been holding back.

“Priya! He is your boyfriend…how can you not know about his whereabouts?”

“Who said he is? We work together that’s it… How did you get this idea of me dating him??”

“That’s what he has been telling me, that you guys were seeing each other and…” I stopped looked at her…she was staring at me…I knew I was caught trying to hide something.

She stressing on “And???” repeated.


“There is something you are not telling me…” her stare with the huge and beautiful eyes forced me to spill out everything.

“No actually …it’s the day you went missing…he said that he was with you…”
“And… you believed him?” She asked… here was no look of surprise in her.

“Yes I did, give me a reason why I shouldn’t?” these words were something I never thought would ever come out  from me before her.

“Ok good for you…believe him…” Faking a smile and rolling her eyes at me she walked out of the canteen door. Her reaction left me confused but her words repeating in my mind “Who said he is? We are a colleague that’s it”… “Who said he IS? We are a colleague that’s it”….gave me ideas…ideas of making her mine

I was jumping from within with excitement… “The coast is clear”.

The next episode on

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